labor and birth doula

Certifications, Awards & Recognitions


serving san francisco, marin

& san mateo counties


birth becomes you

certified professional birth PHOTOGRAPHER

Birth Becomes You 2023 Birth Symposium Continuing Educaion

In 2019 I completed course work and became certified as professional birth photographer through Birth Becomes You. I am trained to understand and be prepared for a variety of birth scenarios. Taught by Jennifer Mason and Monet Moutrie, The Essence of Birth Course is the most comprehensive, inclusive, and respected online course ever made for birth photographers.

In 2024, I become a certified professional birth videographer.

I am an active member of the birth photographer community & participant in continuing education programs.

I am currently working towards my labor and birth doula certification.


Birth Becomes you 2023 image showcase

1st place - New birth photographer

2nd Place - Surge Category

From BBY:

When we put together the 2023 BBY Showcase, we hoped that the images in this collection would celebrate not only the big, “wow” moments of birth, but also the quiet, softer moments. We hoped this collection of images would showcase how different birth can look…and how much beauty can be found in all different kinds of birth stories.

As we look at this collection today, we feel like we’ve achieved our goal. Not only are the winning images stunning, but the entire showcase illustrates just how powerful and profound both the big and small moments of birth can be. We hope you are inspired by all these images. We are grateful to the birth workers and birth photographers who captured them as well as to the families who allowed us to share their stories with the world.

mother in labor, seeking relief in the shower. The partially opaque shower curtain covers her face and body. You can see her hands gripping the side of the tub.

Birth becomes you 2023 image showcase 1st place



everyday birth magazine

cover image finalist & Honorable mention

Everyday Birth is a biannual print and digital magazine. They share real-life hospital, birth center, and home birth stories as well as educational content written by professionals, centering images and voices that have been historically marginalized.

Award Winning Image - Cover image finalist for Everyday Birth Magazine. Image of pregnant person resting between surges with hands on her belly and a prism of rainbow light on both her face and belly.

Everyday Birth Magazine Fall 2022 cover image finalist

rest between surges


Everyday Birth Magazine Fall 2022 Honorable Mention

Between Light & Dark


birth becomes you image review

awarded platinum & bronze

All images submitted were ranked by multiple judges on lighting, storytelling, composition, focus, editing, sense of scene, overall artistic impression, and respect for the vulnerability of birth. The Platinum awarded images scored high enough to rank in the TOP TEN of all images submitted for the year and are included in the BBY permanent Curated Artist Collection - a gallery showcasing the very best birth photography images in the world.

Birth Becomes You Platinum Award Winning Image - Ranked in the top ten images of all submitted. Image of birthing person just moments after giving birth, holding and first looking at her baby. Baby and mother's

Birth Becomes You 2020 Image Review Platinum Award - Top 10 Image

mirrored faces

Birth Becomes You Bronze Award Winning Image. Image of laboring person - tight crop of person's face as they are bent over and someone else is holding an oxygen mask to their face

Birth Becomes You 2020 Image Review Bronze Award
